Repeat Prescriptions
All repeat prescriptions are computerised and you will be given a white request slip listing medications you can order without seeing a doctor. Requests can be made by ticking the items that you require and handing the slip in at reception or posting it with a stamped addressed envelope,
We do not take prescriptions over the telephone.
The surgery operates a prescription collection service with all the local chemists. Please advise the receptionist of your preferred chemist, and your prescription will be sent directly to that chemist. You can then pick up your medication directly from the pharmacy without having to collect the prescription from the surgery.
Please allow 48 hours notice for all repeat prescriptions. If you have sight problems and would like an A4 size list of your repeat medication, please ask the receptionist.
Medication Reviews
If you have not discussed your medication with the doctor for a while, the receptionist will ask you to make an appointment to have your medication reviewed.